That morning, my partner and I, we went to the psychiatry clinic to see the consultant. There, we are supposed to see and observe how the consultant manages the patient, the communication skills and so on. In the consultation room, I sat at one corner, opposite to the consultant, while my partner sat beside me. The patient, a middle-aged man, with brown curly hair, sat quietly at the other corner. He was casually dressed, and I can see that his hands trembled a bit. Hmm, could be side effects from medications.
He looked at me, a bit suspicious. May be he had never seen a Muslim lady before. It wasn't my first time having that kind of look anyway. I smiled at him, trying to be friendly, but to no reply.
The consultation started by asking some simple questions like how's his mood, how's the Christmas and so on. From the consultation, I came to know that he had depression quite for a few years now. And now he was here, feeling more depressed than ever because of his son. When he was busy chattering with the consultant, my mind started to fly elsewhere. It's like day dreaming, and I knew staying up late last night had its toll on me now. Then suddenly I heard something verryy familiar.
"How can he believes in Quran more than he believes in Bible?"
It felt like I had a thunder in me. I felt as if I was shaken from my own chair.
"There's no one there could teach him the Quran. How could he do that to us? He couldn't, could he?"
And this time he looked at me. *krik krik krik*
Well, that's a bit awkward to be honest. I'm a Muslim, and now he was here complaining about his son learning the Quran? How am I supposed to react? The consultant was quick, drawing his attention from me. I was more focused this time, very focused actually, but there's nothing else interest me. After the consultation was over, we went back to the hospital.
"There's NO ONE there could teach him the Quran."
My head kept echoing what he said. My heart pounded heavily.
It's almost four years now since I first came to Ireland. What did I do to educate these not-yet-Muslims around me bout being a Muslim? And the Quran itself? T_T